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Lino Printing Workshop
5.0 (1)
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
6 to 10 guests
£25 - £28
Punch Needle Workshop
5.0 (3)
Your choice of time
6 to 10 guests
£35 - £38
Visible Mending Workshop
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
6 to 15 guests
£26 - £30
Modern Rag Rug Techniques Workshop at a Touch of Craft
Your choice of time
6 to 15 guests
Festive Lino Printing Workshop
Your choice of time
1 to 7 guests
£25 - £28
Festive Macrame Decor Class
Your choice of time
6 to 10 guests
£22 - £26
Festive Macrame Decorations Workshop
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
5 to 10 guests
£27 - £30
Rag Wreath Workshop
Your choice of time
Barrow upon Soar
6 to 10 guests
Mosaic Workshop
Only 1 date left
/ Mobile
1 to 15 guests
£27 - £30
Japanese Stab Binding and Marbled Book Covers Workshop
Your choice of time
1 to 7 guests
Jesmonite Plant Pot Workshop
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
6 to 10 guests
Modern Rag Rug Techniques Workshop
5.0 (1)
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
6 to 10 guests
Visible Mending Workshop
Your choice of time
6 to 10 guests
£28 - £30
Macrame Plant Hangers Workshop
5.0 (2)
Contact for details
/ Mobile
1 to 7 guests
£25 - £28
Introduction to Punch Needle Workshop at Kirkstall Forge
5.0 (1)
Contact for details
1 to 5 guests
Festive Mosaic Workshop at Kirkstall Forge
5.0 (2)
Your choice of time
5 to 10 guests
£28 - £31
Festive Macrame Decorations Workshop
5.0 (1)
Your choice of time
/ Mobile
6 to 10 guests
£27 - £30
Metal Stamping Jewellery Workshop
Only 1 date left
Comes to you
1 to 10 guests
Modern Rag Rug Workshop
Your choice of time
Comes to you
6 to 15 guests
Rag Rug Wreath Workshop
Your choice of time
Comes to you
6 to 15 guests
Festive Lino Printing Workshop
Your choice of time
Comes to you
6 to 15 guests
£25 - £30
Visible Mending at Lark Design Make
Only 2 dates left
1 to 10 guests
Modern Rag Rugging Workshop
Only 1 date left
/ Mobile
1 to 8 guests
Stitched Bowls Workshop at LarkDesignMake
Your choice of time
1 to 7 guests
Punch Needle Taster Workshop
Your choice of time
1 to 7 guests
Mosaic Workshop
5.0 (1)
Contact for details
1 to 11 guests
Punch Needle Taster Workshop at Lark Design Make
Contact for details
1 to 12 guests
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